Saturday, 30 January 2010

First Planning into our Thriller

 Towards the end of filming our continuity piece, we decided to spend a lesson discussing the sub-genre of our thriller, as well as who we could use to act, and where it could be shot.

Crime thriller
Psychological thriller
Horror thriller
Action thriller

Possible locations?
The chase
Old St Georges
The lane

Possible actors?(our friends who are willing to participate)
James w.
James f.
Sisters, brothers, etc.

After discussion, we decided that it would be best to make a "crime" thriller, as the introduction could work to familiarise the audience with the "case" that would be investigated in the film. For the actors involved, we found it would be best to use our friends, and ourselves, as it's generally easier, and we don't have to pay them. In terms of location, We've written down a bunch of places that are easily accessible, and free to film on. Although not written on this paper, we decided that we would like the killer to be sitting in a coffee shop, waiting for his next victim.

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